Our Mission for the Community
The East Palo Alto Center for Community Media (EPACCM) was created in 2003. The center exists to further the vision of an East Palo Alto that is informed, connected, involved, secure and empowered. The EPA Center is committed to providing the residents of East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven section of Menlo Park with up-to-date news and information affecting their communities.
As a hub of communications, the EPA Center created three media outlets -- East Palo Alto Today, East Palo Alto's first locally produced and continuously published newspaper in more than 20 years; a news website and the Talking with Henrietta television show -- to meet the media needs of the residents of these two communities.
The EPA Center uses video streaming and web postings to supplement its printed news coverage. By linking media sources in this way, the center delivers needed and relevant information to community residents in a focused and comprehensive way.
The media outlets that the center created currently provide community news and information to area residents in ways that no other media sources have in the past. Please browse our web site to learn more about the EPA Center, its media outlets and some of its exciting projects. See what you can do to Keep Community Media Alive!
Summer Journalism Internship Program

2017 Summer Interns

2016 Summer Interns

Henrietta J. Burroughs
Here they are: the interns from the East Palo Alto Center for Community Media's 2017 Summer Journalism Internship Program
These are our interns from the 2016 Summer Journalism Internship Program..
Henrietta J. Burroughs is the founder of the East Palo Alto Center for Community Media and the editor-in-chief of the East Palo Alto Today newspaper.